Sunday, January 8, 2012

January 9-13: Literature/Language Arts/Science/Latin II

Literature/Language Arts: The Hobbit ch. 8-10; helping verbs

· Monday

o copy spelling words in class; write spelling list 3X ea. (due Tue.)

o finish reading ch. 8 together, answer ch. 8 questions

o begin reading ch. 9 and answering questions (due. Wed.)

· Tuesday

o continue practicing helping verbs

o write sentences for spelling words 1-7 (due Wed.)

· Wednesday

o turn in spelling sentences

o check ch. 8-9 questions and discuss together

o write sentences for spelling words 8-15 (due Thu.)

o begin reading ch. 10 and answering questions (due Fri.)

· Thursday

o turn in spelling sentences

o review helping verbs and possessive pronoun forms

o write practice/improved sentence sets using helping verb forms

· Friday

o spelling test

o check ch. 10 questions and discuss together

o begin reading ch. 11 together

Science: Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion

· Monday: Newton’s 1st law of motion experiment + question sheet

· Wednesday: Newton’s 2nd law of motion experiment + question sheet

· Friday: Newton’s 3rd law of motion experiment + question sheet

Latin II: 1st and 2nd declension adjectives (ch. 11)

· Tuesday: begin ch. 11 with new vocab and adjective rules

· Thursday: practice declining adj/noun pairs, discuss vocab derivatives