Sunday, March 27, 2011

LITERATURE: Homework and Spelling, Week of March 28-April 1

Good afternoon, young-'uns!

Congratulations for doing so well last week taking your Stanford! I'm excited to get your scores back so you can see how much progress you have made this year.

I am enjoying The Door in the Wall, especially when I finished Chapter 3 today and found out how Brother Luke was using that term--we'll talk about that tomorrow, so I hope you have some theories.

This week, your spelling words will come from the book, and you will have reading assignments each night--just one chapter per night. I'll also be giving you time during the school day to read.

Enjoy your Sunday, and I'll see you tomorrow!


For Monday--be sure you have finished reading Chapters 1-3 pages7-31 (My copy of the book didn't have any chapter numbers, which makes it so hard to figure out. So, I'll also put page numbers down for you)

For Tuesday--read Chapter 4, pages 32-41

For Wednesday--read Chapter 5, pages 42-52

For Thursday--read Chapter 6, pages 53-61

For Friday--study for spelling test; read Chapter 7, pages 62-75

For Monday, April 4--read Chapter 8, pages 76-85

SPELLING/VOCABULARY words for Test on Friday, April 1--this week, you must also be able to WRITE the definitions for each word.

1. tonsure--a monk's haircut that leaves the top of the head bald, and a halo of hair above the ears

2. plague--a contagious, epidemic disease

3. preparation--plans made to get ready for something

4. character--a mark, sign, or symbol used in writing or printing

5. trundle--a small cart with low wheels

6. hospice--a place of refuge for travelers, or a home the sick or the poor

7. especially--an adverb that means particularly or mainly

8. pilgrimage--a journey made by a person to a shrine or holy place

9. fastened--attached

10. ruffian--a brutal, violent, or lawless person