Monday, March 21, 2011

Important Reasons to Learn Spanish!

1. Spanish is the third most widely spoken language in the world! In about 25 countries, Spanish is the first language! Travel is lots more fun, if you speak the language of the people who live there!

2. Spanish and English share many words in common - most are of Latin origin. Plus, it is easier to learn other romance languages (those derived from Latin or "roman") such as Italian, Portuguese, and French!

3. Learning a second language makes one a better student! The more conections you feed your brain, the smarter you will be! AND - it is proven that students who learn a foreign language excel in college entrance exams!

4. To learn another language opens our hearts and minds to other peoples and their cultures - "to know another's language is to begin to know his heart . . ."!

5. It is FUN!

*This information is taken from Risas y Sonrisas Spanish Program for Kids by Leticia Smith