Saturday, September 11, 2010

HISTORY: Viking Week!


Monday we will be discussing "FUTHARK", better known as the Norse or Runic Alphabet! The Norse people were wonderful story tellers and kept track of their adventures, but they had to have a way to write it down, so they came up with "Futhark". You will be able to write your own message using this alphabet.

Tuesday we will begin construction on our very own Viking Longboat. You will be provided a ship to color and cut out, but you will get to design your own square sail that was so characteristic of the Vikings and also design your shields to hang along the side.

Wednesday we will dive into some Norse Mythology and discuss who on earth is "Thor" and why did he go around with a giant hammer. We'll get the chance to design our own hammer and create a necklace that would have been similar to the jewelry worn by the Viking people.

Thursday will be a catch up day to finish any projects not done at home or in class. We will also do a little review for your Barbarian Test that will be next Monday on the 20th.

Friday, your VIKING REPORTS ARE DUE!!! We will read aloud and share our reports with the class and also display all of our other projects.