Sunday, May 6, 2012

FRENCH May 1 & 3

Parlon Français                                             Let’s Speak French!
Leçon 3                                                         Lesson 3
Tuesday, May 1 and Thursday, May 3

This week, we are learning to answer the question, tu aimes?  “Do you like. . .?”
Our answers will be, Oui,  j’aime . . . .  or Non  “Yes, I like. . .  or “No.”

We will learn many new words this week, including those below:

Oui                      Yes
Non                     No
Tu aimes?           Do you like?
J’aime                 I like
Le chat               Cat
Le Cola               Coca-Cola
La lemonade      Lemonade          
Le chocolat        Chocolate
La glace             Ice cream
La fraise             Strawberry
La pizza              Pizza
Les crêpes           Crepes
Le croissant       Croissant
Les livres            Books
Le papier            Paper
Les crayons        Crayons