Monday, January 23, 2012

Gala Project Update

So far we have received pots from 4 students, check email to see who still needs to provide one. 
Items that have been provided:
Seed Packets
Miracle grow
Seed starter pots
Hose Nozzel
Potting Soil
Items still needed:
Garden Gloves
Garden Tools such as hand trowel, hand cultivator
Watering Can
I will provide a plant and some flowers to dress it up right before the Gala so they are nice and green and still blooming. I'm thinking we might want to purchase some wide ribbon to adorn the wheelbarrow with a big bow as well. This coming Friday, we will be decoupaging our pots in the art room from 8:20 to 10:00. If you are available to come help with this process that would be greatly appreciated.