Sunday, January 30, 2011

LITERATURE: Homework and Spelling, Week of January 31-February 4

I hope you're out playing right now! It's such a gorgeous day to be outside! Hopefully, we'll all be well and at school all week and the sickness of the past two weeks will be over.

This week, you will be finishing your work on the Cinderella story from a foreign country that you are supposed to read, analyze, and compare to the "real" Cinderella. We will be trying to figure out why over 1,500 countries in the world have this story, and what the universal theme might be. Be thinking about it.

I want to remind you to be reading 30 minutes each night even though I may not be giving you assignments. Your reading logs are due EVERY FRIDAY (I didn't get one turned in this past Friday.) Reading Logs are 10% of your grade--that means if you never turn one in, the highest grade you can make in literature is a B. Fill them out and turn them in every week, please.

You will have your test over the genre of fairy tales this Thursday (I gave you each a study guide Friday), and a spelling test on Friday. You will also be starting to read King Arthur. We will all be reading the first section, The Coming of Arthur this week, and you will each choose one other Arthurian legend to read for next week.

Below are your assignments for this week, and your spelling words for Friday's test.

Your reading, analyzing, and comparison of your Cinderella story to the original story is DUE this Tuesday, February 1

For Wednesday (I will give you time in class on Tuesday, too) read Chapter 1 in King Arthur to discuss in class on Friday. I will be giving you a discussion grade, and you will need to be able to tell me if you think this book is a fairy tale or not, and why. Also study for your test over Fairy Tales and study your spelling words.

For Thursday (I will give you time in class on Wednesday, too) read Chapter 2 in King Arthur to discuss in class on Friday. Also study for your test over Fairy Tales and study your spelling words. Fairy Tale test on Thursday.

For Friday (I will give you time in class on Thursday, too) read Chapter 3 in King Arthur to discuss in class on Friday.) Spelling test on Friday

For Monday, February 7, read Chapter 4 in King Arthur.

SPELLING/VOCABULARY words for test on Friday, February 4

1. tournament = a contest among knights
2. lodgings = housing
3. complaint = an uttering of discomfort or dissatisfaction
4. pavilion = a tent
5. scabbard = a sheath for a sword
6. lamentation = an expression of grief
7. reproach = to rebuke or blame
8. vengeance = retribution against someone
9. villain = a wicked person
10. champion = a defender or protector; a winner in a tournament