Sunday, September 26, 2010


I first want to thank you for teaching me something new last week! I now know what Futhark writing is, and found some examples of it on some Viking stones that several of you may want to try and decipher this week when you have some free time.

Our introduction to Beowulf was exciting! Getting to listen to the Prologue recited in Old English by Benjamin Bagby was amazing, and brainstorming about ideas for how to present your storytelling was fun. This week, we are going to continue to read aloud during class, discussing as we go. You will not have any specific book to read in the evenings at home, but still must read for at least 30 minutes. Fill out your Reading Log each day, and bring it back on Friday, October 1, for a grade. You also need to be learning this week's spelling and vocabulary words below for our test on Friday.

I have an idea that might help those of you who are having a hard time memorizing the spelling and vocabulary words. Practice writing each word 10 times--or until you can write it without looking at it or missing it. Then, practice writing the definitions 5 times for each word. You can write a sentence like: "sacred means holy" 5 times. It will help, I promise! I will give you the definitions this time to see if that makes things a little less stressful.

SPELLING/VOCABULARY for Test on Friday, October 1

1. sacred =holy
2. comrade =companion
3. guise
4. succor =help or aid
5. thane =in the Middle Ages, a freeman who got land from the Lord or King in return for military service
6. oppressor
7. mischief
8. fiend =an evil spirit or devil
9. scoff =to mock
10. wrought = made