Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Little Michelangelo's!

In an effort to understand Michelangelo's work on the Sistine Chapel, the 4th graders had a crack at making art upside down.

Click to Enlarge

Click to Enlarge

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Click to Enlarge

Math: 3/28 - 4/1

Welcome back from testing land and to the last quarter! I can't believe it is already here!! Let's stay focused and work hard...I KNOW you can do it!

Monday 3/28 - Investigation 9

Tuesday 3/29 - Ls 91 pg 600 (2-30 even)

Wednesday 3/30 - Ls 92 pg 607 (1-29 odd)

Thursday 3/31 - Ls 93 pg 613 (2-30 even)

Friday 4/1 - Ls 94 pg 618 (1-29 odd)...Happy April Fool's Day and Grandparent's Day

Have a wonderful week!

~Mrs. R~

Sunday, March 27, 2011

HISTORY: Renaissance and the Inquisition!

To go along with our Biblical art study in Bible class, we will be reading about a few important figures during the Renaissance: The Medici family, Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo Buonarotti. We will even get a chance to create some art work to relive what it might have been like to lay on our backs and try to paint something like the Sistine Chapel.

If some of you remember your classmates from last year, laying under tables...it is your turn this year!

We will end the week with more study on the Spanish Inquisition and why we will see a backlash against the church leading us into the Reformation period.

LITERATURE: Homework and Spelling, Week of March 28-April 1

Good afternoon, young-'uns!

Congratulations for doing so well last week taking your Stanford! I'm excited to get your scores back so you can see how much progress you have made this year.

I am enjoying The Door in the Wall, especially when I finished Chapter 3 today and found out how Brother Luke was using that term--we'll talk about that tomorrow, so I hope you have some theories.

This week, your spelling words will come from the book, and you will have reading assignments each night--just one chapter per night. I'll also be giving you time during the school day to read.

Enjoy your Sunday, and I'll see you tomorrow!


For Monday--be sure you have finished reading Chapters 1-3 pages7-31 (My copy of the book didn't have any chapter numbers, which makes it so hard to figure out. So, I'll also put page numbers down for you)

For Tuesday--read Chapter 4, pages 32-41

For Wednesday--read Chapter 5, pages 42-52

For Thursday--read Chapter 6, pages 53-61

For Friday--study for spelling test; read Chapter 7, pages 62-75

For Monday, April 4--read Chapter 8, pages 76-85

SPELLING/VOCABULARY words for Test on Friday, April 1--this week, you must also be able to WRITE the definitions for each word.

1. tonsure--a monk's haircut that leaves the top of the head bald, and a halo of hair above the ears

2. plague--a contagious, epidemic disease

3. preparation--plans made to get ready for something

4. character--a mark, sign, or symbol used in writing or printing

5. trundle--a small cart with low wheels

6. hospice--a place of refuge for travelers, or a home the sick or the poor

7. especially--an adverb that means particularly or mainly

8. pilgrimage--a journey made by a person to a shrine or holy place

9. fastened--attached

10. ruffian--a brutal, violent, or lawless person

BIBLE: Esther and Ezra

This week we will be finishing our lesson on Esther, then move on to Ezra.

Monday, we will do some questions based on our Bible readings, then do some Biblical art analysis. Using Rembrandt's "Haman and Ahasuerus at the Banquet with Esther" we will see how this artist truly highlighted how God used Esther to save His people. How did Rembrandt use light in this painting? What does Ahasuerus hold that was mentioned in our earlier lessons about this story? Can you tell what point in the story this painting is about? We'll discuss all this in class together!

Tuesday, we will review all our material over these lesson of Esther and have a test on Wednesday.

Wednesday, the Archbishop of Tanzania will be visiting us during our Chapel time. So we will probably just take our test when we return to class. No History lesson this day, unless time allows.

Thursday, using our reading cards, we will read about "Ezra returns to Judah" and complete the worksheet that goes along with it.

Friday, after we read Ezra 7 from our Bibles, we will pick out parts of sentences from our scripture and complete the Project 1 worksheet.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Latin II Fourth Quarter Vocabulary

Below is our final installment of vocabulary words. Today the students also received study sheets from earlier in the year to begin reviewing for the Latin Bee. The Latin Bee has not been scheduled yet but will be in May.

annus year
antiqua old
astrum star
bellum war
campus field, plain
epistula letter
folium leaf
forum public square
gaudium joy
locus place
ludus school
silentium silence
templum temple
ventus wind

carus dear (adjective)
dignus worthy
verus true

exercere to train
gaudere to rejoice
habere to have
stare to stand

auris ear
brachium arm
capillus hair
caput head
collum neck
corpus body
dens tooth

Monday, March 21, 2011

Important Reasons to Learn Spanish!

1. Spanish is the third most widely spoken language in the world! In about 25 countries, Spanish is the first language! Travel is lots more fun, if you speak the language of the people who live there!

2. Spanish and English share many words in common - most are of Latin origin. Plus, it is easier to learn other romance languages (those derived from Latin or "roman") such as Italian, Portuguese, and French!

3. Learning a second language makes one a better student! The more conections you feed your brain, the smarter you will be! AND - it is proven that students who learn a foreign language excel in college entrance exams!

4. To learn another language opens our hearts and minds to other peoples and their cultures - "to know another's language is to begin to know his heart . . ."!

5. It is FUN!

*This information is taken from Risas y Sonrisas Spanish Program for Kids by Leticia Smith

History and Bible

I hope you all had a wonderful break and have come back well rested and refreshed. This week our Stanford Testing begins. So our lesson will be spaced out when you have time between tests.

In History:

This Monday, we will just review what we studied before our break. Christian, you let me know you used your information bout Gutenberg from History class at Disney World. How cool is that! Way to go!

Tuesday, you will start your introduction to the Renaissance and we will touch on some of the major artists of the time period. I'll even bring some Renaissance music for you to listen to.

In Bible:

This Monday, we will review our lesson from before break of Haman Plots against the Jews.

Tuesday, you will start your introduction to Esther Saves the Jews by using your reading cards and worksheets.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

LITERATURE: Week of March 21-25

Happy Sunday to all you rested 4th graders!

I hope you're ready to come back tomorrow--I've enjoyed our time off, but I'm ready to see you all again!

This week will be a little unusual because of the Stanford Test that will be given on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings this week. This test is nothing to be worried about--in fact, I want you to look forward to it, because it will show you just how much you've learned since you were tested last year! Be sure and get a good night's sleep every night, and eat something with protein for breakfast--cheese toast, or an egg: Brain Food!

I have some surprises in store that are very cool! We'll have a fun week. There will be no spelling words or spelling test this week. You MAY some chapters to read in a new novel, The Door in the Wall. It will depend upon what Miss Boyd might have in store for you after you are each finished testing this week.

Enjoy your last evening (and cheer for the Lady Bears who play in their first game of the NCAA championship tonight at 6:30 on ESPN! Sic 'Em Bears!)

Love, Mrs. H

Monday, March 7, 2011

Math: 3/7 - 3/11

The countdown to Spring Break has begun!! Remember to turn in any missing assignments and any corrections by Wednesday...

Bonus points: What are triangular numbers? What number is both a triangular number and a perfect square?

Monday 3/7 - Review for Test
Tuesday 3/8 - Test (Ls 80)
Wednesday 3/9 - Ls 88...classwork only
Thursday 310 - Enrichment...classwork only
Friday 3/11 - Math games

Have a FABULOUS week!!

~Mrs. R~

Saturday, March 5, 2011

HISTORY: Gutenberg Prints the Bible

Movable Type Block Letters

Movable Type: is the system of printing that uses movable components to reproduce the elements of a document (usually individual letters or punctuation).

The first known movable type was found in China around 1040 A.D. Johannes Gutenberg introduced this printing technique to Europe in 1450 A.D.

This week we will learn all about Gutenberg's printing press and even create some of our own movable print blocks!

Monday: Read from our reading cards "Gutenberg Prints the Bible" and then complete the worksheet that goes along with it.

Tuesday: We will read and discuss a reading packet about Gutenberg and his printing press. After the fall of Constantinople the scholars from the East brought their manuscripts along with them. It would have been a very long time for the rest of Europe to learn of their documents if it was not for Gutenberg's press.

Wednesday: We will use florist foam to carve and create letter blocks to create our own press. Just think how easy it is for us to simply flip on our computers and print out a letter. Imagine having to take individual letter blocks and spelling out a whole document letter by letter.

Thursday: Complete any work left on our foam letters.

Friday: No classwork, we will be watching a video.

BIBLE: Haman Plots against the Jews

Excellent work this past week on your Esther Beauty Products 4th Graders! Your products improve a woman's inner beauty instead of her physical appearance.

This week we will pick up where we left off with the story of Esther. We know she saved the King's life by telling him what Mordecai overheard, now we will study how Haman tries to kill Esthers people!

Monday: Read from the reading card "Haman Plots Against the Jews" and complete the worksheet that goes along with it.

Tuesday: In our Bibles, read Esther 3 & 6, then illustrate a picture showing how Haman had to honor Mordecai.

Wednesday: You will have another secret code to crack to translate some words describing Haman's character. You will then use your Bibles to find the scripture that displays this character trait.

Thursday: We will review our material over this lesson. We will not have a test this week since we are getting ready to go on Spring Break!

Friday: We will watch a "Torchlight" video in class.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

LITERATURE: Week of March 7-11

Dear 4th Graders,

I am posting this blog early since I am going to be out of town from Sunday through Wednesday. You will have Mrs. Castleberry as your substitute teacher, and I know you'll have fun!

You will be finishing Adam of the Road by Wednesday of this week, and your project is due on Thursday. That means that you will need to plan ahead—you will need to read each night AND make sure that your set design, costume design, and script are ready for presentation on Thursday, March 10!

Mrs. Castleberry will be here to help you Monday-Wednesday, and you can always work on this project at home.

For MONDAY, MARCH 7: Read Chapters 18, 19, and 20 and fill out your charts—remember, if you don’t know a word, write it down!

For TUESDAY, MARCH 8: Read Chapters 21 (Adam’s Song) and 22(Adam Helps a Plowman) for discussion tomorrow. Fill out your “Following the Story” charts as you read.

For WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9: Finish Adam of the Road! Read Chapter 23 (Loud Sing Cuckoo!) for discussion on Wednesday. Fill out your “Following the Story” charts as you read.

For THURSDAY, MARCH 10: Book Project Presentations! You can’t be late with any part of this book report because tomorrow, we don’t have literature (11:45 dismissal) and then, we have a week off!

SPELLING TEST for Friday, February 11 (at 9:30)

1. obligingly = to perform a service for someone out of gratitude
2. cavalcade = a procession of riders or horse-drawn carriages
3. chaffed = teased
4. lolling = standing around in a droopy way
5. poultice = a soft, warmed and medicated mass applied on cloth to a wound
6. indignantly = acting with anger that has been aroused by an injustice
7. reeve = the name of an ancient English officer of justice
8. postern = a back gate or side entrance


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Why Learn Latin?

I just came across this interesting information and wanted to share it! Latin is fun! Latin is beneficial! And, Latin is important!

Across the nation, studies have shown Latin to be effective in improving...

SAT Scores
Studies conducted by the Educational Testing Service show that Latin students consistently outperform all other students on the verbal portion of the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT).
Click Here for more information.

College Grade Point Average
A study of freshman college student performance conducted by the University of Tennessee at Knoxville in 1985 yielded the following results:

Language                       GPA
Latin Students                2.89
No Foreign Language    2.58
Spanish Students            2.76
German Students            2.77
French Students              2.78

Reading Achievement, Vocabulary Skills, Math Problem Solving...and so much more!

We are so lucky to have Latin at CCS for our students!
